Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We're Moving

We are so excited to move into a home with a garage and a HUGE yard! Last Thursday, our landlord approached us with a good deal to move into a house that he hasn't been able to rent for a few months. He offered a wonderful deal ... with a catch .... we have to move within two weeks (if not sooner). We found out for sure we were moving yesterday so we have been frantically cleaning and packing! If anyone wants to come visit, we have a room with your name on it!

Grissom -- Our New Addition

Two days after we found out we MAY be moving, I looked on the Humane Society web site and found our 8 week old Corgi/Jack Russell Terrior Mix puppy. Oh, he is SOOOO cute ... but a lot of work. Grissom puts a little kink in our use to be care-free days. We love him (Jerry in coming along with his love, soon ... very soon)!!! Our landlord doesn't know we have him yet ... hopefully we don't get kicked out :-0

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kitchen Garden

Water water everywhere. It has rained incessantly here today .... I shouldn't complain because I know there are parts of the Country that are in desperate need of rain, but it is reaking havoc on my garden. Not only because of the rain today (about 2 to 3 inches) but it has rained so much in Missouri this Spring and Summer that many people haven't even been able to plant a garden. (I should count myself lucky, right?) As you can see in one of my pictures that my tomatoes are rotting on the bottom because they are too wet. I had to bring them into the house (much to Jerry's dismay) to try to salvage a few tommy toes!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Patio Garden

We've enjoyed watching our garden grow... in between getting our car fixed, transporting my nephew, Brett, from the St Louis airport to our home, to Nauvoo and back again; having a 5th of July BBQ with friends. good food & a hodgepodge of do-it yourself fireworks; throwing a baby shower the night before we left for New York. We spent 10 days in the car visiting 7 states and 2 countries. Niagara Falls and Canada (the Metric system is crazy) were amazing! This was all within the last month. No wonder I am so tired!
We have tomatoes, onions, green peppers, cilantro & oregano ... not sure if I know what to do when they have all produced, but having fun!

Back to vacation pics later

As alluded to earlier, I left my camera in my suitcase most of the time so I don't have alot of pics from my recent vacation. I will add some later, but I wanted to let you know about the last four weeks or so. As you can tell from the picture July started out with a bang! A group of women traveled to Nauvoo on a Thursday night to help clean the temple. We had such a wonderful time & were enjoying being together when a buck came out of nowhere. We were having a lively discussion about lastest books we had read and there HE was. I slammed on the breaks ... to no avail. We hit him head on and watched pieces of him fly around. Luckily he flipped in front of us and not onto our windshield. I hate to admit it, but I closed my eyes for a few minutes and I was the driver! Scary!!! I was so worried for these other women's lives and two of these women were with child! Maren was 8 months pregnant ... I'm glad she wasn't sitting up front she said she didn't have a real good view. I don't think I could have handled it if she had gone into labor. We were still 30 minutes from home. Luckily I could drive the car home. I was a little shaky ... but managed ok. What in the heck was that buck doing away from his family at midnight?

Monday, July 21, 2008

I thought I added the picture last time


Sacred Grove

Sacred Grove Our trip to New York for a family reunion was WONDERFUL. Most of my family were able to be there and we missed those who couldn't make it. The drive out to New York was long, but my parents and my nephew and of course Jerry made the trip entertaining. (Connor, mom and I laughed so much at times we had to hurry to the nearest bathroom) We spent a morning in the Palmyra NY temple which overlooks the Sacred Grove. We toured the Grove and the historical church sites in Palmyra NY and saw the Hill Cumorah pageant (a dramatization of the history of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). I will try to send more pictures soon, and a full update. I wanted to share the one I took in the Grove, how incredible to be in the same place where Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. The spirit we felt was awesome! I forgot my camera so this picture is from my phone camera. It's not the best picture, but the feeling is the same when I look at it.

I Don't Know What I am Doing!!

I was just visiting some friends blogs and thought ... why don't I do this? I was hoping it wouldn't be too difficult. I thought it would be a great way to communicate with family and friends. We don't have too many exciting things happen.... so I hope you aren't too bored. I have to figure out how to create a cool looking blog like my friends do. I'm going to try to put some pictures up about our recent trip to New York and some exciting adventures. Stay tuned ....