Saturday, August 9, 2008

What a week!!

When the landlord aproached us about moving "as soon as possible" I'm not sure if he remembered that I clean his apartments when tenants move out. Usually there are only a handful to clean, but this year there are about 20. Of course we on a time schedule because tenants will be moving in soon. Well, it's this big production because the painter has to go in and paint, then we go in behind him and then the carpet cleaner comes in the next day. So ... if he has us scheduled to clean two apartments in one night after work and after wed night activities at church ... it gets late. So, thanks to Jerry most of the boxes got unpacked or at least moved into "my room" (the craft room) to figure out what to do with them. As you can see, there are still lots of boxes in the garage. Oh, I LOVE our garage. After next week all the apartments will be cleaned and then I will be able to start on our home! We love the house, there are a few quirks we could live without, like not running the microwave, can opener, rice cooker etc., on the same breaker as the refrigerator -- that sure limits us, but we will work it out! :) Grissom loves his new digs too. Please plan to come visit ... we have plenty of room!


Matt said...

Moving can be such an adventure! You must be glad to be "settled" in the new place...

DeGooyer Family said...

I love it! Can't wait to come over again and see it when you're all done unpacking. =)

Dixon's said...

I love it and I can't wait to visit.